Buy 1000 Twitter Direct Message
~ Twitter DM services are very powerful. We will take a username from you (Main Account) and we will scrape their followers. (Extract their data so we can send them messages later). **Try to make the MAIN ACCOUNT super targeted. You don’t want them to have fake followers or engagement. If they do, then we will be sending your DM’s to BOTS and that is not a good result.
~ Then, we will send them a message directly to their inbox. (They also get notified via NOTIFICATIONS TWITTER APP. So your message gets instantly sent.
Buy 1000Twitter Direct Message – Cheap&Bulk
~ Be sure to spend a lot of time on writing your message.
You want to do 3 things:
– You want to get the attention within the first 5 words.
– Get your point across and lead them somewhere.
– Keep it short and sweet.
Delivery Time: 2-3 Days
Start Time: 0-48 Hours
Link = @yourprofile
Quantity = DMs Amount
Usernames = Main Account you want us to scrape followers from
**Please note, if you use 1 account, it will take us longer to scrape the followers. We recommend using multiple accounts to target but this is not needed
Hashtags = Direct Message (Any Kind Of Link NOT Allowed) Please use @ to mention